Monday, May 24, 2010

The sublime world of Monet and the intensely disturbing Van Gogh

A visit to The Musee d'Orsay was a dream come true. To be in the midst of grand works of Impressionists and Post-Impressionists is something worth dying for.

The d'Orsay has an incredible range of the 19th and 20th century's greatest works of art, ranging from the pulchritudinous Monet, the graphic eroticism of Courbet and Manet, the powerfully disturbing Van Gogh, to the quintessential bad boy of the Art world, Andy Warhol. The collection was made complete with Paul Gauguin's mystical Tahitian women.

What more can a Man ask for.

The d'Orsay, these days, has put up a special exhibition of the greatest artists of modern times, from Goya and Gericault to Lautrec and Picasso, representing the classic theme of Crime et Châtiment (Crime and Punishment). The paintings and the sculptures were, how do I put it, grotesquely beautiful (!?).

The collection also had important sculptures of Rodin but his legendary works like The Thinker and The Kiss are housed in an exclusive Rodin Museum.

There is so much to see, to savour, to fathom the deep recesses of human consciousness. But, as they say, after all... tomorrow is another day.

All this would have been impossible without Chris and Hansu. A special word of thanks to them.

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